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We believe in "people over programs" and emphasize individual ministry over program-based activity. Our men's, women's and youth ministries meet weekly for intentional discipleship making, in keeping with scripture in Titus chapter 2. With particular emphasis on helping men develop in their roles of Christian leaders, husbands and fathers, we believe that where the men lead, the Church will follow.  

Men's Toolbox Meeting

Men's Toolbox Meeting is a weekly gathering of men, of all ages, of all races, backgrounds and walks of life, for the purpose of growing in our relationship with God and our brothers in Christ.


We believe that God's Word has given us all the tools we need for "life and godliness" (2 Peter 1:3), and we are committed to seeing men grow in Christ and become godly husbands, fathers and leaders in their homes, at work, and in their communities.


Men's Toolbox meets every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Impact Church.

Women's Hope Chest

The definition is clear. A Titus 2 woman is a mature Christian woman who teaches and encourages younger women. Her ministry is based on Titus 2:3-5, and she is called by God to train other women to be Godly wives, mothers and friends. Women's Hope Chest is a companion ministry of Men's Toolbox and modeled after Titus 2. This Bible study is designed to guide and teach women of all ages, by God's grace, how to develop Christian character and instill hope to others. 


Women's Hope Chest meets every other Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at Impact Church.   

Lighthouse Students

Lighthouse Students is a Spirit-led youth ministry of Impact Church equipping teenagers with the word God to be a beacon light. Our youth meet every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. for training in the Word and fellowship. 

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